Professor W A Landman | |||||||||||||||||||
Olifantsfontein (Deel 1) |
Olifantsfontein (Deel 2) |
Seunskool |
Pretoria |
Witfield (Deel 1) |
Witfield (Deel 2) |
Louis Leipoldt (Deel 1) |
Louis Leipoldt (Deel 2) |
Goedehoop |
Fleur |
Lyttelton (Deel 1) |
Lyttelton (Deel 2) |
Port Elizabeth |
Suid-Afrika |
Verwoerdburg (Deel 1) |
Verwoerdburg (Deel 2) |
Vista |
Verdere Opleiding |
Pretoria (Deel 1) |
Pretoria (Deel 2) |
Pretoria (Deel 3) |
Pretoria (Deel 4) |
Mr Steyn concluded by saying that on Vista's gates, and on the hearts of its students and their
parents should be inscribed: Vista is the faith of yesterday, through the reality of today
into the vision of tomorrow.
Problems, we all agree, are there to be solved. However, due to the nature of many of these problems, such as the educational backlog and the scale of these problems, they simply cannot be solved overnight. Indeed the solving of each problem is in itself a long and sometimes painstaking process. Furthermore all these problems are inter-related and they cannot be dealt with in isolation.
To judge the progress in terms of the solving of these problems one should look at education, the key to the development of people to full potential. What has been achieved in this respect?
Bearing in mind the magnitude of the problem, the limited resources in terms of money and high-level manpower, and of course the ever present fallibility of man, tremendous progress has been made. Certainly nothing is perfect. Mistakes have been made, and as pointed out by the De Lange Commission there are shortcomings at every level of education. However, if a comparison is made, item by item, of the 1962 situation with that in 1982, then according to all norms the achievements are noteworthy. I would like to pay tribute to those men and women, Black and White, teachers, inspectors, planners and top administrators, for their life-long devotion, often under difficult circumstances, to this enormous task.
The typical programmes not offered by Vista are special first degree programmes such as agriculture, architecture, medicine, etc and for the foreseeable future programmes towards honours degrees.
Prof Crouse concluded by saying that, even at this early stage there are signs of success in meeting these challenges. The crucial question, which time alone will answer, is how Vista will be assessed in 1993. Certainly, fundamental to all who are involved in this unique undertaking is the belief that history will show Vista to be a bold step in the right direction, not only with regard to tertiary education, but also in terms of the aspirations of urban Blacks.
Privaatsak X212
11 Desember 1981
Prof W A Landman
Krugerlaan 88
Geagte prof Landman
Dit is met genoë dat ek kennis geneem het van u benoeming deur u Universiteit, op die Raad van die Universiteit Vista. Die ampstermyn van die Raad strek van 1 Januarie 1982 tot 31 Desember 1985.
Graag wens ek u van harte geluk met die benoeming. Ek is oortuig daarvan dat u 'n waardevolle bydrae in die Raad sal lewer.
Met vriendelike groete
3 Augustus 1984
Geagte prof Landman
Net 'n paar woorde van waardering vir u bereidwilligheid om ons studente toe te spreek.
Uit terugvoering van die studente blyk dit dat hulle u besoek geniet het en dat die betrokke werk nou vir hulle meer sin maak.
Wees asseblief verseker van hulle groot waardering vir die moeite en tyd wat u opgeoffer het om hierdie lesing wel moontlik te maak.
Aangeheg vind asb betaling ten opsigte van u reiskoste. Met die oormaat verhogings wat deesdae aan die orde van die dag is, is dit maar 'n druppel in die emmer, maar ek hoop dit dek darem u petrol!
Ek vertrou dat ons in die toekoms nog steeds op u kan staatmaak vir verdere voorlesings.
Vriendelike groete
22 Maart 1985
Prof W A Landman
Krugerlaan 88
Geagte prof Landman
Ons bou stelselmatig aan Vista en ook aan sy beeld. Baie dankie vir u bydrae.
Ek was vir 'n aantal jare lid van die Dagbestuur en het 'n aantal kere opgetree as Voorsitter by
Raadsvergaderings. (WAL)
28 Oktober 1987
Prof W A Landman
Krugerlaan 88
Geagte prof Landman
Ons spreek graag ons waardering uit dat u goedgunstiglik ingestem het om bogenoemde amp te vervul op Woensdagoggend, 9 Desember 1987 om 10h00 tydens die diplomaplegtigheid van die Verdere Opleidingskampus. Dit vind ook plaas by die Hatfield Christelike Kerk.
Ons sal u mettertyd van volledige besonderhede voorsien.
Dankie ook vir u voortdurende toegeneentheid jeens Universiteit Vista.
Vriendelike groete
Vyfde Jaarlikse Dinee 8 Junie 1989
| ||
Tafelgebed Toespraak Oorhandiging: Prestasietoekennings Bedanking Heildronk op Universiteit Vista Seremoniemeester |
Mr P S Tukulu Prof SWB Engelbrecht Prof W A Landman Personeellid/Member of Staff Prof CTD Marivate Prof E W Neuland |
Grace Speech Presentation: Achievement Awards Acknowledgement Toast to: Vista University Master of Ceremonies
Prof S W B Engelbrecht Prof W A Landman Prof C T D Marinate Mnr/Mr P S Tukulu Prof E W Neuland |
Visekanselier en Rektor/Vice-Chancellor and Rector Raadslid/Member of Council Raadslid/Member of Council Raadslid/Member of Council Viserektor/Vice Rector
Prof W A Landman Raadslid : Universiteit Vista 1 Januarie 1982 - 31 Desember 1989 |