Professor W A Landman


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  1. An essence analysis of the situation of educating and the educative aim.

    Translation of:
    Landman, W.A., Roos, S.G. and Liebenberg, C.R.:
    Chapters One and Two:
    Opvoedkunde en opvoedingsleer vir beginners.
    Stellenbosch: University Publishers and Booksellers, 1975.

    1. Contents
    2. Chapter One
    3. Chapter Two
    4. Bibliography

  2. Fundamental pedagogic essences: their appearance, actualization and giving them content.

    Translation of:
    Landman, W.A., Van Zyl, M.E.J en Roos, S.G.:
    Introduction and Chapters one through four of:
    Fundamenteel-pedagogiese essensies: Hulle verskyning, verwerkliking en inhoudgewing: met kernvrae.
    Butterworth, Durban, 1975.

    1. Contents
    2. Introduction

    3. Chapter 1:  On the nature of real pedagogic essences
    4. Chapter 2:  Some reasons for essence blindness
    5. Chapter 3:  The problem of the lifelessness of pedagogic essences, their viability and their enlivement
    6. Chapter 4:  The relationship possibility/actuality and the idea of factualizing pedagogic essences

  3. Learning viewed from a fundamental pedagogic perspective.

    Translation of:
    Landman, W A.:
    Leer, gesien vanuit fundamenteel-pedagogiese perspektief.
    Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Opvoedkunde, Vol 3, nr 1, 16-20, 1983.

  4. An investigation of acting away (distorting) fundamental pedagogic essences

    Translation of:
    Landman, W.A., M C H Sonnekus en S H van Wyk:
    'n Ondersoek na die weghandeling van fundamenteel-pedagogiese essensies. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Pedagogiek, Maart 1978.

  5. Fundamental pedagogics: learning and educating.

    Translation of:
    W.A. Landman, S.G. Roos en N.J. Mentz (1979):
    Chapters 1 and 2 of:
    Fundamentele pedagogiek: Leerwyses en vakonderrig.
    Durban: Butterworths.

    1. Chapter 1:  The functions of fundamental pedagogics
    2. Chapter 2:  A fundamental pedagogical view of educative learning and its modes.

  6. The development of fundamental pedagogics at Pretoria from 1969 to 1987.

    Translation of:
    Landman, W.A.:
    Die ontwikkeling van Pretoriase Fundamentele Pedagogiek.
    Pedagogiekjoemaal, Vol 9(2), 1988.

  7. Modern pedagogics as a form of science

    Translation of:
    Hedendaagse pedagogiek as wetenskap
    South African Journal of Pedagogy, 12(1), 130-147, 1978.

  8. Tribute to Prof. Dr. C.K. Oberholzer.
    South African Journal of Pedagogy, (1977) Vol. 11 No. 1, 1-3.

  9. Discipline
    Lectures in education, no 5

  10. The concept "educating": A reconsideration.
    Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Opvoedkunde, Vol 9 nr 3, 1989.

    Translation of:
    Die begrip "opvoeding": 'n herbesinning
    Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Opvoedkunde, Vol 9 nr 3, 1989.

  11. Fundamental pedagogics and paradigm-shift.
    Paper read by Prof W A Landman c 1992.

    Translation of:
    Fundamentele pedagogiek en paradigma-verskuiwing.
    Paper read by Prof W A Landman c 1992.

  12. Pedagogical part-disciplines: their basis and mutual relations.
    Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Pedagogiek, Julie 1968, Vol 2, No. 1, 67-77

    Translation of:
    Pedagogiese wetensgebiede: Hulle fundering en onderlinge verband.
    Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Pedagogiek, Julie 1968, Vol 2, No. 1, 67-77

  13. Phenomenological Method
    Pedagogiekjoernaal, 1983, Vol 4, No. 2, 44-64

    Translation of:
    Fenomenologiese Metode
    Pedagogiekjoernaal, 1983, Vol 4, No. 2, 44-64

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